Financial Education – Why It is Important To Plan Early for Your Retirement Needs?

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Why Financial Education And Planing Early For Your Retirement Needs Is Important ?

When is a good time to plan for your retirement? The earlier you start to do your financial planning, the better. Why? Because you have one major advantage on your side…. that is your precious valuable time. And time…. does not wait for no one. You use it or you lose it.

Financial Education and Retirement Planning Is ImportantPin It

That is why I keep encouraging my kids and young adults to to learn financial education and start their financial plans as early as possible. In fact, they should start saving from their first paycheck or salary that they receive. Otherwise, they will continue to work for money and not making their money work for them.

One is never too young to start planning for your financial retirement. In fact, most people often wait too long to start saving for their golden years.

Why plan early? By starting early and sticking to a sensible, long-term retirement saving plan not only helps younger people better prepare for retirement, it sets the foundation for sound economic decision-making throughout their lives.

When you plan early, you are making Time your friend to overcome any unexpected rainy days….. Also, you are using time to minimize the impact of inflation and you can take advantage of compounding effect to grow your wealth.  All investments need Time to grow…that is why you have to start saving and investing early.

If you do not start early and you procrastinate, this procrastination can result in more aggressive (risky in other words) investment strategies that can leave older investors more vulnerable to short-term fluctuations in the market that diminish their retirement savings.

In the next segment, I will share 5 important financial tips to get you started early on your retirement planning.

The future is great… the future is you… and you are the key to your great future “.

To your financial education and success in your retirement planning!

I hope you have enjoyed my sharing. To your personal development,  success, financial education and abundance. :-)

By Michael Tay

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