Posts Tagged ‘Compound Interest’

Why do you need Financial Education ?

Why Do you Need Financial Education ? Shocking reasons why people overspend and live beyond their means. “ We overspend ’ was a recent frontpage headline in our local “Star” newspaper and the shocking reasons why most people are living beyond their means. A good number of Malaysian consumers are being described as shopaholics and […]


Summary – 7 Cures or Principles for a Lean Purse

Summary – 7 Cures or Principles for a Lean Purse I have shared with you the 7 key principles from The Richest Man in Babylon, where the author explained how any person – with the right information by their side – could not only abolish their debt quickly, but also create an abundance of wealth […]


The Rule of 72 – Multiply Your Gold

The Rule of 72 Anybody here knows of the Rule of 72 and how it works? To assist you to do compound interest problems mentally, the Rule of 72 gives you a fast way to determine how good (or not so good) a potential investment is likely to be. Rule of 72 is a simple […]

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