Personal Self-Development – All You Can Do is All You Can Do and Do the Best You Can !

Personal Self-Development – All You Can Do is All You Can Do and Do the Best You Can !

“ Be the most you can; the essence of life is growth “   …  Jim Rohn

I once heard a profound speech by self-made billionaire, Art Williams, about his management philosophy developed over 19 years in one sentence that truly stuck with me. And the nine words sentence that will make you wealthy and successful, he said, went something like this:

All You Can Do is All You Can Do “.

All you can do is all you can do. There ain’t nothing more than all you can do. That is the absolute maximum. You can do no more than all you can do. All you can do is all you can do. All you can do is everything. All you can do is all you can do but all you can do is enough. What a profound statement!

Now, what if you would combine this statement with Do the Best You Can from the renowned personal development expert who is one of my mentors, the late Jim Rohn, you get a  really, really profound statement that if you adopt it as your personal development philosophy, and make it your daily habitual doing, I think it will bring you personal success and financial wealth and good life in all areas of your life.

All you can do is do the best that all you can do ! If you begin to do what you can do where you are and you do ALL you can do where you are and If you do the best that all you can do, in every personal or business transactions and if you do every act the best you can in an efficient way, I think you will be successful. Every act that you do, in itself is either a success or a failure. Every act you do, in itself is either effective and efficient or ineffective or inefficient. Every efficient act is a success. Every inefficient act is a  failure. If you do the best you can, and do every act in your life as efficient as possible, you life will be a success. But if you are not doing the best that you can, and if you spend your life doing inefficient acts, your life will be a failure.

Therefore, do, everyday, all that you can do that day, and do the very best that you can and do each act in a efficient manner.

I am practicing this philosophy and making it my daily habitually doing, to do and become all that we possible can.

As my passion is about personal development, Love People – Help People – Teach People, I just have to share this inspiring video clip by Jim Rohn, with my readers , Do The Best You Can, which I think will inspire everyone to success. It is so powerful and if you follow his advise, and do all you can do is doing the best you can, you will develop yourself into a successful person and live life to the fullest.


Personal Development – Do The Best You Can by Jim Rohn





I truly hope you enjoy the sharing. Here’s to doing and becoming all that we can..

I hope you enjoy the sharing  :-)

By Michael Tay

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