Our Environment and the Power of Association and Influence

There are times when we wake up, we realize we are not getting ahead with what we want to do with our lives. We are struggling with our careers, our job and constantly worrying about our personal finances with  too many days left at the end of the money.

One of the reasons that we find ourselves in that predication, is that we may not be consciously aware of, is the environment and the people  we find ourselves  with everyday. What’s polluting our lives, what’s polluting our minds, our hearts, our soul and our spirit?

In that case, we may just need to cleanse and get rid of the stuff that’s polluting us. We are conditioned by our environment. And sometimes  that  means  that we need to break out from the environment that is preventing us from getting what we want.

We need to change the environment that we are in and maybe also the people that we are choosing to hang around with.

You  know, the late Jim Rohn has a famous quote,  one of the best philosopher that I have learned so much from him.  He says statistically, your income will become the average of the five people that  you choose to hang around most.  So the question that I want to ask you is that,  who are you choosing to be associated with the most, on a daily basis? One of  the key principles for success is association.

He has 3 questions about association that you should  consistently  ask yourself.

  1. Who  am I  around? You’ve got to evaluate everybody who is able to influence you in any way.
  2. What  are they doing to me? That’s a major question to ask. What have they got me doing, listening to, reading, thinking and feeling? You’ve got to make a serious study of how others are influencing you, both negatively and positively.
  3. Is that okay? Maybe everyone you associate with has been a positive, energizing influence. Then again, maybe there are some bad apples in the bunch. Everything is worth a second look, especially the power of influence. Both will take you somewhere, but only one will take you in the direction you need to go.

Wow!  Simple and yet very profound  questions that we need to ask ourselves.

For me, to grow myself, I tried to associate with positive minded people who are always caring, giving,  loving and supportive of my dreams, goals and aspirations.  Find mentors who are already successful and model  how they think, what  they do and  follow their proven strategies of success and wealth creation.

Exppnential100 with Bob Allen

Exponential Association with Bob Allen

One of my  mentors, is Robert G.Allen, one of America’s most famous and influential financial advisors, author of 10 bestselling books on creating wealth and achieving financial freedom. So for me, to become the best, then  I  want  to  learn from the very  best  in the field of personal development and wealth creation  and to be PERSONALLY  mentored by the master himself and to be part of his EXPONENTIAL 100 group of enlightened entrepreneurs.

The late Jim Rohn is another  excellent person to model  from.  Read their books, listen to their CD-ROMs and advice and follow what they ask you to do.

It was from one of Jim Rohn’s advice that I heard from his audio tapes, that has transform my life.

It was a book that was recommended by him, “ The Richest Man in Babylon “, a simple book that if you read it carefully and understand the principles and implement in your life, it will guide you towards financial freedom. to this day, I still remember vividly his advice………

“The Richest Man in Babylon helped me to become a millionaire by age 32. Simple little book. Easy to follow. Inspiring. The Richest Man in Babylon, by George Clauson.” …..Jim Rohn

This is  the very same book that that was mentioned by  Robert Kiyosaki in his “ Rich Dad, Poor Dad ” book , about the concept of  “pay yourself first” and a book that was recommended by Anthony Robbins and Robert Allen to read. Now, if these successful and wealthy  people have read the book and asked you to read, I for one would be interested to find what this book is about. Wouldn’t you?  If you are truly interested about  your own future financial success?

What are they doing to me? They are asking me to read books, listen to CDs, attend seminars  to increase my knowledge, my skills and to take massive action to be successful.  Is that Okay? You bet!  Because it is paying great dividends in my life.

So the power of association and influnece is very important.  Choose friends who empower you and disassociate with friends who brings you down.

So heed the advise to break out  of  your environment which is not serving you and choose your friends wisely, carefully and model successful people and follow their proven strategies for success and wealth creation.

I hope you enjoy the sharing  :-)

By Michael Tay   www.michaeltay.com

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