Are You Ready? How Many Weekends Do You Have?

This is the 2nd quotation that I would like to share.  I find it interesting and I have done a poster on it.


How May Weekends You Have

Are You Ready?. How Many Weekends You Have?

The  actual size poster is in my  facebook wall album

Time is a precious resource for all of us. We are all given the same amount of time each day but what we do with it will determine the results of our lives.

We are all given 24 hours every day. No matter who we  are, each and every day,  we are given the same 24 hours. We are all given the same exact amount of time. We all have the same 24 hours to get things done.

We cannot manage time. However, we can manage the activity that we do each day, so that we can get more time in a day to do what we enjoy most. Here are 4 ways to determine where you are losing  your precious time, eliminate time wasters in your life, and setting up a strategy to free your time and doing things you truly enjoy.

1. Getting Rid of Time Wasters

In order to get most of our time, we need to get rid of time wasters. What are some of the time wasters activity.  On an average, many people watches 4 hours of TV per day. Yes, we all deserve a break and unwind, but some of these 4 hours can be better utilize and spent elsewhere, learning and growing ourselves. TV, gossiping, playing computer games or surfing the internet have the tendency to take up more of our time than we had anticipated.

Find out where you time goes. Make sure your time is spent on productive useful activities that will help you develop and grow yourself to becoming a better person.

2. Outsourcing Things You Dread To Do Which You Don’t Enjoy

The other way of managing your activity is to outsource what you don’t enjoy.

There are certain activities that you may not enjoy and loathe doing. There are certain chores that you do regularly that you can hire others to do. If washing your car doesn’t bother you, then do it – but what if you really dread doing? Then you can go to the car wash and hire people to wash your car. Therefore, choose activities that you can outsource in your life and then you have more time to spend on what you enjoy most so that you can enjoy more weekends with your family and love ones, doing the things that you like to do.

3. Have Courage To  Say ‘No” To Things You Don’t Enjoy!

Sometimes, you need to have the courage and say “No” to commitments that you don’t enjoy.

Have you been invited to a function that you dread going or feel tired and drained afterwards? If yes, then stop attending. Don’t let guilt or sense of obligation drag you in an activity that doesn’t bring you joy, Just because your best friend invited you to go. However, if you leave a meeting or event energized and excited, then continue to participate because it is adding value to your life.

4. Prioritize Your Passion And What You Love Best To Do

Lastly, make your passion a priority so that you enjoy your weekends that you have left depening on your age now. Once you have learn how to free your time, fill your new found time with nourishing and nurturing activities. Be sure to add one such activity to your day -  not a “ should ”  or  ” have to “ activity but a activity that you want to do because you enjoy purely for you.

Make a commitment to yourself to put a higher priority  on the things that are missing in your life. Challenge yourself to make it a special Daily Habit.

Time is truly on your side and enjoy whatever weekends that you have left.

I wish for your many more wonderful weekends.

I hope you enjoy the sharing  :-)

By Michael Tay

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