Personal Development, Self-Help Tips – What is Success and How to become a Success?

Personal Development, Self-Help Tips – What is Success and How to be a Success?

Often, people will ask me… what is success and how to be a success? How do I create more success in my life? How do I have more success in my life ?

If you have this question as well , then I would like to address and share my thoughts here in my personal development, self-help blog on how you can create the personal success in your life.

First, you have to get and be very clear of what your success is all about for you. For success means different things to everybody depending on their very own perceptions of what success is all about.

Earl Nightingle, one of the pioneer of personal development, self-help area  defines.…“Success as the progressive realization of a worthy ideal” Personal Development, Self-Help

If you have a goal and you take steps and actions to achieve the goal, then you are already successful. Success is something you become.

You have beliefs about what you think you have access to. But even from there, many people never get specifics of what they want to create next. So, what is it that looks like success to you?.  What would your relationship be like, if you were successful in life, what would you create in your money and financial life?

What would you create as the work life, family life, what you do…with your time and talent?  What would you create and what would you do, where would you live and where would you go and what would you do to fulfill your life passion and purpose.

Personal Development, Self-Help Tips – Have a burning Desire of What You Want.

The very fundamental part of success is defining with clarity and specificity what success looks like for you. The first step to really having success in your life is to have a “major burning desire” for what it is you want to create in your life. The number one reason why most people are not successful and do not get what they want is because they themselves don’t know what they want.

You must have this “burning desire” to become successful and do whatever it takes and commit yourself to become a success. Most people wish, hope and want success but they are not willing to make it a MUST for them to be successful.

You must constantly look at your own personal development, self-help and develop the characteristics of success….. positive mental attitude, integrity, trustworthy, courage, persistence, hard working mentality, high energy and be an expert in at least one area.

Until and unless you are clear of what you want, and have clarity of what success is to you, it is unlikely you will attain the success you are looking for.

Clarity is power… and once you are clear of what success is to you, you then have a vivid vision and goals that you want to achieve. You must make your goals clear and SMART ( S – specific, M – measurable, A – actionable, R – realistic, T- timeline) and have an activity plan to take massive action to achieve your goal.

All the goals and activity plans doesn’t mean anything until you start TAKING ACTION and DO things that you need to do to achieve your goal. Once you start the doing, always get feedback as to whether you are on course towards your goal. If not, always be willing to do different things or do things differently until you are on right track to your goals. Success is not about taking any action, its about taking the right action, in the right way and right time.

To your personal development, self-help and success in life.

I hope you have enjoyed my sharing. To your success, financial education and abundance. :-)

By Michael Tay

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