Power of Association and Influence ( Part 2 )

“ Birds of a feather flock together. The rich associate with successful people; the poor often associate with unsuccessful people . If you wan to fly with the eagles, you will have to stop swimming with the ducks.”                                                                                                                                                                          ….T.Harv. Eker

Power of Association and Influence

The people you hang around and associate with on a consistent basis is very important to your success.  When it comes to wealth attraction, what is their income?  See, if you want to earn  $50,000 a  year,  and if you are hanging around with people who are earning around $20,000, you cannot earn  $50,000 because you are getting mentally $20,000 ideas and lessons from them.

If  you are earning $50,000 a year, and you want to earn $100,000 a year , you cannot continue on a consistent basis hanging around people who are earning $50,000.

You have to hang around people who are making and earning around  $100,000.  If you are making $100,000 and you want to make $1,000,000, let me tell you something;  there is a big difference between making  6  figures income and  7 figures income.  You got to think  differently.  You got to start hanging around and learning from people who are making and earning 7 figures because they blaze the trails. They know how to get it done. You just need to follow their proven strategies. But make sure that the people you follow are successful in their  respective fields.

And when I say hang around people who are making 7 figures, you don’t  need to personally know  a person who is a  millionaire or multi-millionaire or even a billionaire. You don’t have to !

You can go to the bookstore and invest  $20 in a book or CD and you can learn from people who are making 7 figures or attend seminars and workshop to improve yourself. At times, the learning is absolutely free. You can find great  free valuable resource from the internet and learn from watching videos and reading articles.

However, there is a price to pay and that price is your time, effort and energy that you devote in learning the skills to be successful.

The best investment one can make is to INVEST IN YOURSELF. This means your education, which is never lost, then APPLY and TAKE ACTION on what you learn to make yourself a valuable resource to your ownself and to others. Always remember: it’s not What you learn and know…. It’s what you DO with what you know that matters.

I recently came across a saying which I thought was profound and would like to share with you.  Its simple and it goes like this….

“ To achieve something that you never achieve before, you have to be good at something that you were never good before. To be good at something you were not good before, you need to develop the skills that you never had before…..” So the question is how do you develop those skills ?

The answer is simple. Invest in yourself. Learn and grow yourself. Associate with people that elevates your and find mentors and mastermind team who support your dreams, goals and aspirations. Learn how successful people  think, learn how they act , learn what their  habits are.

Exponential 100 with Robert Allen

With Robert Allen, John Assaraf and Werner Berger

For me, one of  greatest highlights in my continual learning was to spend 3 wonderful days together with my wife, learning from Robert G.Allen and other expert trainers and speakers.  We were able to  mastermind and network with the Exponential 100 group of wonderful and smart people at Robert Allen’s residence in San Diego.  You get to learn from Robert Allen, John Assaraf, author and star of the movie ” SECRET “ and Werner Berger, who at 69, became the oldest North American, to scale seven summits including Mt.Everest. WoW ! Truly amazing. You just get inspired by them by their achievements.

Werner was sharing that if you do not have the Health, all the money in the world doesn’t mean a thing. Therefore, we need to also look after our health and body. Consume healthy diets and regular exercise.

With John Assaraf, its our Habits and beliefs,  that affects our attitudes, emotions and actions which in turn determines our results, in whatever areas of our lives; health, relationships, and financially.

Your Network is truly your Networth!

And once you do, you start to notice a change and a shift in your body, a shifts  in your spirit, in your heart, and your mind, and you will not only start thinking differently, you will start acting differently because you were inspired by them to succeed. You will start applying their millionaire secrets to your life and its all by elevating your mind so that you can elevate yourself. That’s the power of association and influence.

I hope you enjoy the sharing  :-)

By Michael Tay   www.michaeltay.com

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