Personal Development, Self-Help Tips & Financial Education – Why it is important to have a solid financial education?

Get Financial Education

Get Financial Education

Personal Development, Self-Help Tips & Financial Education – Why it is important to have a solid financial education?

Most of us go to school to get a good formal academic education; getting the right foundation for reading, writing and learning how to function in the real world.

After basic schooling, we go to colleges and universities to get our diplomas or degrees so that we can get a good, secured and high paying jobs.  And whilst working in our jobs or careers, we get further professional education to help us to be successful in our careers; like pursuing a professional qualification or MBA that will enhance our career prospects and opportunities in the corporate environment.

However, our school systems right from the schools, colleges and universities don’t teach us about financial education and because of this lack of financial education, most people were never taught from young about money and finances and what they need to know and do to take control of their financial lives in their adult lives. Many end up in debts or bankcruptcy because they were never taught how to manage their finances.

Why Financial Education and Financial Literacy is important?

Financial education is important to all of us if we are to get ahead in managing our money and finances. It teaches us what we should be doing with our money to be successful, like increasing our earnings, increasing our savings and increasing our investment returns and reducing our expenses, learning how to manage our debt, learning about compounding, and increasing our wealth.

In today’s world, financial education is crucial with the economy in recession or depression. We need to spend time, energy and efforts to be financially educated, to learn about money, finances, business and investments and choose an area of investments to become an expert and start investing so that we can make our money work hard for us instead we continually working hard for money.

Therefore, we have to continually learn and grow and get financially educated with the various investments strategies so that we can become financially successful.  A good starting point to get financially educated, is to read “ The Richest Man in Babylon” a simple book about personal financial thrift and understand about the concept of paying yourself first, controlling your expenses and multiplying your wealth through compounding, guarding your wealth from loss and understanding the importance of building assets and reducing liabilities.

The true measure of wealth is Net Worth and not working income. Understanding why it is important to focus on your net worth by increasing your earnings, increasing your savings and investment returns and reducing expenses by simplifying your lifestyle.  It is only when you are financially educated, then you are able to take control and manage your own personal finances properly to create the financial freedom you truly deserve.

“ The future is great… the future is you… and you are the key to your great future “.

To your personal development, and financial education.

I hope you have enjoyed my sharing. To your personal development,  success, financial education and abundance. :-)

By Michael Tay

Personal Development, Self-Help Tips – The Miracle of Personal Development by Jim Rohn

Personal Development, Self-Help Tips – The Miracle of Personal Development by Jim Rohn

I am a great fan of the late Jim Rohn, because though listening to him, reading his books and articles, he has help developed me to becoming the person I am now, having the yearn to learn, the desire to grow, learn and develop myself as a better person every single day. For this, I am truly grateful to him.   Miracle of Personal Development

One of his profound article which have help me develop my thinking about personal development and I would like to share with you in my personal development, self help tips and financial education website is…

The Miracle of Personal Development (by Jim Rohn)

” One day my mentor Mr. Shoaff said, “Jim, if you want to be wealthy and happy, learn this lesson well:

Learn to work harder on yourself than you do on your job.

Since that time I’ve been working on my own personal development. And I must admit that this has been the most challenging assignment of all. This business of personal development lasts a lifetime.

You see, what you become is far more important than what you get. The important question to ask on the job is not, “What am I getting?” Instead, you should ask, “What am I becoming?” Getting and becoming are like Siamese twins: What you become directly influences what you get. Think of it this way: Most of what you have today you have attracted by becoming the person you are today.

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Personal Development, Self-Help Tips – How do I make more money or have more money in my life?

Personal Development, Self-Help Tips, Financial Education – How do I make more money?

How do I make more money or have more money in my life?  Always a question on everybody’s mind ? I may not have the right answer but here is what I want to share my thoughts about this very pertinent question.

Making money isn’t everything but it is extremely valuable, having a good mindset and skillsets, knowing how to earn more money to have.  Understanding what keeps you financially where you are and how to change it is important if you want to make more money.   Self-Help

What is your financial blueprint or thermostat that allows you to make the money that you are currently making ? To increase the amount of money you want to earn, you must change your current beliefs that you have about money and have the confidence and ability to earn more.

Do you have the beliefs that you deserve more money, that you are capable of making money, a burning desire to acquire money, of becoming rich and massively successful? Or are your beliefs holding you back, worrying about risk,, “playing it safe” and who doesn’t ”think big” ?

One of the lessons I learnt about making money, is that you must constantly learn and grow yourself as a person and develop the mindset and skillsets of successful and rich people. You must develop the characteristic of success… positive attitude, integrity, trustworthiness, courage, persistence, hard working mentality, and have high energy and become an expert in at least one area. You must engage in Self-Help and Personal Development activities on your own self.

You must get financially educated and spend time, effort to learn about money, finance, business and investments and choose one area of investments to become an expert in it and start investing it in. Read the rest of this entry »

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